Posted in All Categories, Nail Art

Floating Bars in Fall Inspired Color Palette

It’s Fall time! That time of the year when days start becoming shorter and leaves change their color to vivid shades of yellow, orange and red. As a tribute to this season, today’s nail art is floating bars in autumn/fall inspired shades.

autumn nail art


This nail art doesn’t require much tools; nail paints, scotch tape/stickers and nail art brush is all you need. I have used Revlon Yellow, L’Oreal Lush Tangerine and L’Oreal Femme Fatale for autumn shades.

L'Oreal Color Riche and Revlon Nail Polish

Let’s see the the tutorial:

floating bars autumn nail art tutorial


Step 1: Apply transparent nail polish/base coat or a nude nail color, whichever you prefer.

Step 2: Cut small stripes of scotch tape or stickers.

Step 3: Arrange the cut out stripes on your nails, making the desired pattern.

Step 4: Apply the colors, using a small tip nail art brush (as the nail polish is quite thick and would make application difficult.)

Step 5: Remove the tape/ sticker.

Step 6: Apply transparent top coat, to smoothen the edges of the floating bars.


So, are you trying this DIY floating bars this autumn?

Posted in All Categories, Nail Art

Stripes Nail Art with Half Star Motif

Stripes Nail Art is one of the basic nail art designs that you must try at least once! In today’s mani, I have clubbed the stripes nail art with a half star motif on the accent nail. Let’s find out how?

First things first, choose a complementary color combination for the nail art. I have used Revlon Lush Green and L’Oreal Rebel Blue.


blue half star motif nail art


The green polish is for the base and blue one, being the darker shade, is used for stars and stripes.

stripes with half star nail art


How to do it?

Stripes Nail Art is best done using a scotch tape (unless you’re too good at drawing/painting straight lines using a brush). A scotch tape is of great help because it makes the whole process simple and neat while rendering perfect lines and shapes.

Step 1: Apply two coats of green polish.

Step 2: Take a piece of scotch tape and cut out various horizontal lines.

Step 3: Stick the tape lines (leaving gaps in between) on the green base.

Step 4: Apply blue nail polish on the exposed area.

Step 5: Quickly remove the tape with great care.


DIY stripes nail art using scotch tape


The half star motif on the accent nail is also done using scotch tape. It’s amazing how this simple tape turns out to be a cool nail art tool, isn’t it?

Here’s the final look…

DIY Stripes Nail art with Half Star


Stripes nail art works well for nail art pros and beginners alike. Why don’t you give it a try too?